Dr. Corsello is a Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist who has been in practice for over 20 years.
Get personalized attention to your needs in a caring, friendly, family-oriented setting.
Through careful observations, we’ll prescribe an appropriate treatment plan.
Start living your best life at your best weight with this energizing weight loss system.
Dr. Corsello is a Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist who has been in practice for over 20 years.
We’ll help you find the root cause of your issues and provide a solution that’s right for you.
Through careful observations & assessments, we’ll prescribe an appropriate treatment plan.
Start living your best life at your best weight with this energizing weight loss system.
Home > Our Process
Your first visit in Stratford
You will immediately sense that you are in the “right place” for healing because our goal is to show you “why” and “what” we will do to resolve the health concerns that brought you to our Stratford chiropractic office.
In order for your body to express health, your spine must be in proper alignment.
To properly establish if a spinal misalignment is present, the doctor will perform a thorough evaluation. This consists of a detailed history, neurological and orthopedic examination, postural analysis, and x-rays.
If medically necessary, you will receive spinal x-rays. Unlike standard x-rays, advanced biostructural x-rays are carefully calibrated for accuracy, which is of the utmost importance in a spinal evaluation. Every effort is made to keep radiation exposure to a minimum.
The significance of these x-rays cannot be understated. Just like checking for disease and degeneration in a dental exam will prolong the useful life of your teeth, the same is true for your spine. Your spinal column, the vertebrae, and the discs protect your most delicate and important system – your nervous system.
For the Atlas Orthogonal technique, the doctor will take five views of your upper cervical spine. After your first visit, the doctor will analyze these x-rays and make measurements to determine what needs to be done for your treatment.
If a doctor suspects the need for advanced imaging, such as MRI, you will be referred for evaluation of the cervical spine and skull, specifically the craniocervical junction. Plain radiographs often miss injuries to this region, with missed injury rates ranging from 4% to 30%. Common reasons for missed injuries include inadequate imaging techniques. Clinically significant instability can exist even without fractures. Delayed diagnosis due to missed injuries can lead to progressive instability and neurological deterioration, as seen in studies where 29% of patients with missed injuries developed permanent neurologic consequences. A systematic approach to evaluating suspected cervical spine injuries is crucial to avoid such pitfalls.
At your next visit, the doctor will review your x-rays and other imaging with you, perform your first Atlas Orthogonal treatment, re-evaluate your spinal misalignment, and take another set of x-rays (two views) to confirm that your spine is correcting back to its “normal” position.
A follow-up visit is recommended within 72 hours. Follow up visits to our office will include spinal examinations and treatment when necessary. More than one treatment may be needed, but not additional x-rays. If your Atlas correction is stable or “holding together,” no treatment is necessary to the upper cervical region. The doctor will also correct other areas of the spine, if needed.
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