Meet the Doctor

Dr. Corsello is a Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist who has been in practice for over 20 years.


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Sprint Set

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Meet the Doctor

Dr. Corsello is a Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist who has been in practice for over 20 years.


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We’ll help you find the root cause of your issues and provide a solution that’s right for you.

Functional Neurology

Through careful observations & assessments, we’ll prescribe an appropriate treatment plan.

Sprint Set

Start living your best life at your best weight with this energizing weight loss system.

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Home > Other Services > Decompression

Upper Cervical Health of Connecticut

Decompression is a non-surgical method that treats lower back, neck pain, radiating arm and leg pain, and headaches.

Asian man holding back pain after running and fitness

Decompression alleviates pain from disc herniation, degenerative discs, bulging discs, stenosis and other spinal syndromes by reducing pressure on spinal discs and facet joints through distraction and positioning.

Decompression therapy effectively enhances the healing process and often renders quick and lasting pain relief that enables patients to return to an active lifestyle.

Decompression Therapy is an effective treatment for individuals suffering from bulging, herniated, degenerative, or ruptured discs, as well as sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, and unsuccessful neck and back surgery cases.

This therapy provides a viable alternative to surgery, injections, and pain medications. Clinical studies indicate that Decompression Therapy offers significant relief to most patients within a few sessions.

Elderly woman at home with back pain

The treatment protocol typically begins with sessions scheduled 2-3 times per week, with evaluations conducted after every six sessions.

The therapy is performed with the patient positioned either face up or face down on the table, and each session lasts approximately 15 minutes. Following each session, therapeutic light therapy (MedX Laser Therapy) may be administered to relax muscles and promote healing of injured tissues. 

Upon completion of the treatment, the doctor will recommend exercises designed to help regain control and strengthen stabilization muscles, potentially providing long-term benefits.

Upper Cervical Health of CT offers the Advanced Triton Decompression System. Call 203-381-1800 for more information.