Meet the Doctor

Dr. Corsello is a Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist who has been in practice for over 20 years.


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Our Process

Get personalized attention to your needs in a caring, friendly, family-oriented setting.

Get started with Upper Cervical Health of Connecticut.

Functional Neurology

Through careful observations, we’ll prescribe an appropriate treatment plan.

Sprint Set

Start living your best life at your best weight with this energizing weight loss system.


Live well, simply. Choose the patch that fits your wellness need.

Meet the Doctor

Dr. Corsello is a Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist who has been in practice for over 20 years.


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Get started with Upper Cervical Health of Connecticut today.

We’ll help you find the root cause of your issues and provide a solution that’s right for you.

Functional Neurology

Through careful observations & assessments, we’ll prescribe an appropriate treatment plan.

Sprint Set

Start living your best life at your best weight with this energizing weight loss system.

Family Chiropractic

Home > Other Services > Nutritional Testing

Online medical tests and nutritional supplements concept

The Leibowitz Method, an advanced form of muscle testing, utilizing left and right brain testing, provocation vials, hypertonicity evaluation, and desensitization through cold laser therapy can help with gastrointestinal issues, inflammatory conditions, allergies, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and many other imbalances within the body.