2021 Main St, Stratford, CT 06615

To properly establish if an Atlas misalignment is present, the doctor must perform a thorough evaluation.  This consists of a detailed history, neurological and orthopedic examination, postural analysis and x-rays.  Our facility is equipped with precision, low-radiation digital x-ray equipment.  Specialized x-ray analysis is the foundation of the Atlas Orthogonal procedure.  This will show how your Atlas has misaligned and what must be done for correction.


Imaging tools provide our team members with a blueprint to the spine misalignment specific to each patient so we can tailor their treatments. We will collect imaging during your initial visit to see how exactly your spine and neck are being impacted. After your first adjustment, we will take imaging again and do so periodically throughout treatment to monitor progress.
Our imaging equipment is available in the office, so you don’t have to go back and forth scheduling visits at third-party medical facilities.

Specialized x-ray analysis is the foundation of the Atlas Orthogonal procedure. This will show how your Atlas has misaligned and what must be done for correction.

How Long Does it Take?

A rule of thumb for most conditions is: The length of time to correct a condition depends on how severe and how long it has been present.

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